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天寧寺の塔 - 高松典雄

天寧寺の塔 - 高松典雄



It is an old three-storied pagoda designated as a national historic property of the temple  in Onomichi City. I felt as if the tower were connecting the past and the present and praying for the well-being of the city.




●作家名:高松典雄 作家の紹介を見る



●絵サイズ:F20号 (72.7 x 60.6 cm)




Free shipping for nation Japan. No shipping to out of country.


#oilpaint  #landscape  #Japan  #threestorypagoda  #TenneijiTemple  #Onomichi  #theSetoInlandSea  #Japanesetemple

  • 取り扱い上の注意



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