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EDEN 2 - Yutaka Michael Maria KAMEGAYA

EDEN 2 - Yutaka Michael Maria KAMEGAYA


EDEN 2 - Mixed media by Yutaka Michael Maria KAMEGAYA




"EDEN" is a paradise given by God.
It's also heaven at the same time.
The essence of this world, the innocent, primitive and eternal world.
I portray the paradise as the "EDEN" series.


Where is paradise?
It is the real world that will continue into the afterlife, created by the living attitude of individual human beings.
This world is a diverse world that is so chaotic that it cannot be helped by one person.
Those who awaken to their own will and love will transform the world around them into a paradise.
His way of life creates paradise.
The story of the growth and suffering of human beings who have awakened to such a way of life is struck in color and shape as the appearance of paradise.
This is a real story of a soul awakened to heaven.



●作品名:EDEN -2

●作家名:Yutaka Michael Maria KAMEGAYA 作家の案内を見る





日本全国送料無料、国外送料は一律¥30,000 別途決済頂きます。

Free shipping for nation Japan, additional¥30,000 for out of country.


eden, heaven, jesus, chirist, christian art, catholic art, watercolor, acrylic painting, 水彩画, キリスト教美術, イエスキリスト, カトリック美術, エデンの園,


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