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ギリシャ神殿 - 清田晴美

ギリシャ神殿 - 清田晴美



Greek Temple  - oil painting by Harumi Kiyota




This is part of the temple of Athena, perhaps the most famous in Greece. It is a mysterious and impressive building, with intricate carvings of figures on columns that have a sense of history and that look like they were made by hand.




●作家名:清田晴美 - 作家プロフィール


●画寸:11 x 14 インチ(27.9 x 35.6cm) ※F5相当


     Frame is imaged and no frame include in price.




Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country also free shipping without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.



ギリシャ, アテネ, 神殿, 女神, 歴史的建造物,Greece, Athens, temple, goddess, historic building, impressionist, Harumi Kiyota, Japan art , Japanese artist


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