カラフルな小舟達 - 清田晴美
Colorful Boats - oil painting by Harumi Kiyota
Colorful boats were lined up in a row.
I remember that when we came back from the beach, they seemed to smile to us.
At Nice Port, there is a sister city of Kamakura.
●作家名:清田晴美 作家の詳細を見る
●額外寸:33x40.5 cm (13"x16")
日本国内送料無料。諸外国への送料は額無しで¥3,000 別途お支払い頂きます。
Free shipping for nation Japan. All other country will be charge¥3,000 separatelly without frame. All import fees, taxes and customs to be paid for by the buyer.
夏, ボート, カラフル, 南仏, 南フランス, 姉妹都市, 鎌倉, Summer, boat, colorful, Nice, France, Nice Port, Oil painting, Japan, Japan art , HarumiKiyota, onlinegallery